

许多投资者开始寻找优质房地产, 但迎接我们的却是房主协会, or HOA. 除非你已经拥有一处拥有居屋协议的房产, you may have limited knowledge on what an HOA is and how they function. You may also be wondering, “should I invest in a property with an HOA?”

投资HOA需要更多的努力, as you will have to deal with a lot of oversight and restrictions. 不过,许多投资者认为,这些额外的挑战是值得的.

在投资受居屋计划保护的物业前, 你必须考虑几件事, 从费用到维护.

所以,如果你投资一处拥有HOA的房产? 让我们开始吧.


Before deciding whether to invest in an HOA property, it’s crucial to know exactly what this means. HOA是业主协会的缩写. Their main objective is to manage residential communities through small governing bodies. They work to ensure that the homeowners maintain specific standards within their community, and you automatically become an HOA member if you buy a property protected by an HOA. Usually, the HOA members vote for a board of directors that runs the association.

居屋协会定期维护其社区游泳池, 操场, 还有其他便利设施, 作为交换, 会员每月支付或 年费. All of the operational expenses are then covered by these fees.

可能属于HOA的属性类型是多种多样的, 可能还包括单户住宅, 公寓, 和townhomes.


Investing in properties protected by an HOA offers you a plethora of benefits. 作为投资者, 您可以享受减少维护责任, 吸引人的社区设施, 以及社区的高标准.


在很多情况下, the homeowners’ association takes care of all the usual upkeep responsibilities for you. You just have to pay your HOA fee and they’ll take care of your lawn and plumbing, 修理屋顶, 清除垃圾, 把前面人行道上的雪铲掉, 管理典型景观, 彻底防治病虫害, and more.

虽然有些人喜欢自己做这一切, 许多投资者, 特别是那些拥有庞大或不断增长的投资组合的公司, 享受尽可能少的责任.


Some HOAs also provide and maintain amenities that can appeal to various types of residents. Offering incredible amenities is a great way to attract residents and ensure they stay.

其中一些设施可能包括社区会所, pools, saunas, 现代烤架, 高尔夫球场, 网球场, 走小路, 甚至是社区范围的社交活动.

最重要的是, the HOA typically takes on the responsibility of looking after and maintaining all of them. And the more facilities a resident gets, the more valuable your investment becomes


The homeowners’ association does more than just take care of your lawn and maintain your amenities, though. 他们还帮助调解邻居之间的问题. If residents violate any rules or regulations, then HOA acts as a disputer.

例如, if a resident has an issue with a neighbor and you don’t want any unnecessary tension, you can contact the homeowner’s association and ask them to resolve the issue for you. 没有更多的时间用来调解冲突!


不幸的是, 在某些情况下, the appearance and value of a real estate investment can sink over time. HOA的章程是为了防止这些负面影响而制定的. 例如, 比如在门廊上乱丢东西, 一贯肮脏的车道, 而杂草丛生的院子可能会被明确禁止.

Essentially, making a mess out of one property causes the entire neighborhood to lose value. hoa有助于确保任何一个居民都不会破坏整个街区.


While there are some great reasons to invest in an HOA-protected property, 当然也有一些缺点. 例如, 房屋业主协会的常规费用会减少你的利润, and the strict bylaws can interfere with your investment goals.


The monthly or 年费s that an HOA takes for taking care of your property and maintaining it can often be reduced if you hire a third party or do it yourself. So, it could represent a significant loss when it comes to your return on investment. That cost can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.


Depending on the bylaws, you may be unable to rent your property out after purchasing within the HOA. Some housing owners associations require you to own the property for a set amount of time before you can rent it.

These kinds of rules can cause gaps in residency, which can seriously harm your return on investment.


The HOA may randomly hold assessments, which can be quite expensive. 在评估中, the HOA decides that some components need to be replaced or repaired, 业主负责买单.

例如, perhaps the homeowners’ association decides that all the community roofs need to be replaced. 为了资助这项工作,房主必须每人支付4000美元. 更重要的是, 如果你在评估上睡觉, 你将因违反你所签署的合同而受到处罚.


There is no one right answer when it comes to whether you should invest in a property with an HOA. 虽然房主协会对很多人来说是一个很好的工具, 对一些投资者来说, 这根本没有多大意义. Take some time to review the pros and cons, revisit your strategy and 投资目标,并且总是非常仔细地阅读合同和章程. 房地产律师的建议也不会有坏处!

Source: This content was originally written and published for Evernest at Evernest.co
